Village of Old Brookville

Village Hall

License Plate Readers Deter Crime in Old Brookville

License Plate Readers

License Plate Readers

In addition to the two mobile License Plate Readers, and a third on order, the Old Brookville Police Department currently utilizes six fixed LPR cameras that have recently been installed throughout the Village. These cameras were part of a larger New York State $100,000 grant that Old Brookville and surrounding jurisdictions, including Brookville and Muttontown/Upper Brookville, partnered in. These cameras are web-based and read the license plates of vehicles that pass. An officer on patrol is alerted if that plate is suspended, stolen, a suspect in criminal activity, or linked to a missing person. Alerts are received on the laptops in the police car or on a cell phone. Local jurisdictions have the ability to share the alerts and enter the suspect’s plate information into a hot list to advise if a vehicle wanted in connection with burglaries or stolen vehicles enters an area.

If a crime does occur, detectives are able to view the cameras to ascertain if any unknown vehicles were in the area at the time of the occurrence to assist with the investigation and possible apprehension.

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