Dear Neighbors:
Your Village administration has been and continues to be verybusy in addressing the important matters affecting the Village. I would like to take this opportunity to provide you with the following update.
Old Brookville Police
The six village inter-municipal joint police protection contract among the Villages of Old Brookville, Brookville, Upper Brookville, Mill Neck, Cove Neck and Matinecock has been extended for another five years effective June 1, 2017 –May 31, 2022. The collective bargaining agreements with the Old Brookville PBA as well as with the police dispatchers and the clerical employees are also being extended and are in the process of being finalized. Led by Chief Rick Smith who has been with the force for over 30 years, we have an outstanding police department and crime continues to be at an historic low in our community.
Village Taxes
The Village tax rate increased by 1.47% for the year beginning June 1, 2017 and continues the trend of modest tax rate increases over the past several years. The Village continues to comply with the New York State tax cap while at the same time, the financial strength of our Village has been maintained. Currently, the credit rating agency –Standard & Poors, rates Old Brookville at AA+, just one notch below the highest rating of AAA.
Village Roads
John McGowan & Sons has been awarded the contract to re-surface Wishing Well Lane as well as to expand and re-surface the western entrance to Linden Lane. The cost for this work will be fully paid for with New York State grant money. In addition, after a PSE&G contractor installed an underground back-up power source beneath Pound Hollow Road and a private road for the Pound Hollow neighborhood, PSE&G agreed to pay for the complete resurfacing of 1100’ of Pound Hollow Road and the adjoining private road at no cost to the Village or the homeowners on the private road; an approximate accommodation of about $75,000.
Village Hall Expansion and Renovation
The two bathrooms at Village Hall have been completely renovated at a cost of $37,500 and were mostly paid for from the proceeds of a $30,000 grant from New York State. Provision has been made to renovate the rest of Village Hall and expand the building by about 1,000 square feet for a cost of $295,000. This will be partially paid for by two grants awarded by New York State totaling $125,000 as well as by another $50,000 New York State energy efficiency grant which is currently being applied for which will fully pay for a new HVAC system. The work is expected to start during the summer.
Rottkamp Farm
The Village continues to work with the Rottkamp brothers and the adjoining property owners to reach an amicable resolution of the drainage, silting and zoning compliance issues with respect to the Rottkamp farm and retail store. I am pleased to report that therehas been a tentative agreement with respect to the installation of some drainage and silt prevention improvements and hopefully, the outstanding zoning compliance issues will be resolved in the near future.
Gulf Station – Corner of Northern Blvd. and Cedar Swamp Road
Some of you have expressed an interest with respect to the future use of the former Gulf Station property located at the corner of Northern Blvd. and Cedar Swamp Road. Based upon advice from counsel, the property has lost its status asa legal non-conforming gas station use and such use may not be resumed as of right Accordingly, it appears that the property may only be utilized for a single family residential dwelling as provided in the Village’s zoning regulations.
Village Code of Ordinances
The Village Code of Ordinances has been completely brought up to date. Posted to the Village website as of mid-2016, this enables all interested parties to easily refer to the code which will be continuously updated as changes are made.
Village Beautification
A contract has been signed with New York State to allow the Village to beautify the planting triangle at the intersection of Chicken Valley Lane and Cedar Swamp Road. Work is expected to be completed in the next few weeks.
Village Election
The next Village election is scheduled for Tuesday, June 20thwith two trustee positions on the ballot. Polls are open at Village Hall from 12:00 noon to 9:00PM. As always, I can be reached at should you have any questions, concerns or suggestions. Wishing everyone a wonderful summer –let’s hope it stops raining!
Yours truly,
Bernie Ryba, Mayor